Building a Path Back to the Customer

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Building a Path Back to the Customer

Retail businesses all over the world are faced with multiple obstacles in rebuilding confidence with their customers. It’s a delicate balance between managing customer’s safety and providing an exceptional physical experience.  What will it take to convince people that the habits they created over the last 18 months should be easily forgotten?  We believe that the strong brands that create a memorable customer experience to welcome back shoppers will be the winners in the long run.  Here are some ideas we wanted to share to help build a path back to recovery in retail and hospitality.


It will be important for brands to be fearless and attempt to go against the traditional methods. The customer is looking for fresh engagement with brands they have come to know and love. The good companies were attempting this re-invention process pre-pandemic and will continue to disrupt and accelerate the transformation of brick and mortar.

Bridge the Gap

Visitors should be given the choice to shop online, with the option of reviewing the product in-store prior to making their final decision.  Offer customers the convenience of shopping online, but provide a incentive to welcome them back in the store.

Deepen the Connection

Make a memorable experience that will get them posting, sharing and be your best influencers.  Combine technology and the physical space to not only make them interested only in your products, but in creating a journey in the retail experience. 


Got an upcoming promotion or prepping your store for reopening? Resource Integrated can help you with your next display signage project! Contact our team directly, so we can help make your next retail experience remarkable.

Call 905-771-3773 or contact us today.

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