Custom Signage Displays: Marketing your brand at local events in your own unique way.

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Local events are a great marketing way to get your brand to be known out there. People
like to be engaged and feel that they are part of something. How do you make sure they
will pay attention to your brand? That is where your signage displays come in, by
making sure you can share with people the main information of your brand in your own
unique way, you can greatly enhance the traffic of your booth at events. Today we are
sharing tips on making great signage for any event you might participate in and what is
important to keep in mind while creating one.

Do your research.

It is important to get to know the event (convention, trade shows, outdoor markets, etc.), the location, the people that will attend (if they are going for business or just for fun),  your target audience (whom you want to reach) and what are their interests. You need the right kind of energy to impress people and get your brand out there, everyone loves originality and appreciates when the brand takes their time to get to know the public and what would be beneficial for them. With all your research, the signage made to visually appeal to the target audience will leave a lasting first impression.

Customize your signs.

The more versatile your signs are, the more people will focus on your products in an
event since sometimes displays that work for one place does not work for another.
Keeping it consistent is great but always be open to trying new things to bring attention
to your stand. Keep it minimal but eye-catching. It is important to avoid too much visual
pollution. Do not forget to use colours to attract people’s attention. All of that while also
having different sizes of the same piece. Resource Integrated can help you with all of

Resource Integrated Ltd. is a Richmond Hill-based, a boutique-style
production firm that specializes in printing, retail fixtures and displays, data-
driven communications, as well as logistics and installation. We are also the
proud founders of Verde Fastframe, a modular silicone-edge graphic (SEG)
system that is manufactured in Canada and the U.S. with a Canadian patent.
It is used in various environments, such as retail interiors, exteriors, and in
tradeshow booths.

For information on how we can help your company stand out at your next
tradeshow, please email Brad Todgham at

Resource Integrated

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