Resource Integrated supports Unionville Alliance Church this Holiday Season!

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Have you ever wondered how a single mom on Social Assistance with two children provides for her family at Christmas? Did you ever think about the challenges that a new but poor immigrant family faces during the Christmas season?  The team at Resource Integrated was tired of wondering and were eager to get involved and assist in these kinds of situations and others this Christmas.

This Christmas 2011 Resource Integrated is supporting the Unionville Alliance Church Hampers of Hope program.   It is our first year in working with this group and Holiday hampers make a big difference to the families in need in our community. Holiday hampers are the Masters Pantry at Unionville Alliance Church (UAC) and they prepare a Christmas meal program called “Hampers of Hope”.   They serve 80-90 families through this service. At Christmas time, our desire is to provide them and many more families with all the ingredients for a wonderful Christmas dinner, plus gifts for every member of the family.

Drop by our office and donate in one of our large boxes.  We will collect food or gifts and we will be dropping off all items by December 12th – so swing by soon!!!

Resource Integrated

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